Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pet Peeves

We all have them, but do we ever really acknowledge them aloud? Or share them with others? I guess I'm about to...yes, it has been one of those days.

People complaining about their “terrible skin” around me

  • I’ve had problematic skin since I can remember. I’ve gone through every phase of self-consciousness and am now to the point where I make every attempt to not care. Confidence speaks wonders. If there’s really not a lot I can do, why not embrace it? If I don’t acknowledge it, others won’t be allowed to either, right?
  • Therefore, when others complain about one little place or breakout and throw a huge dramatic scene, especially in front of me, it is extremely irritating. If I can embrace my skin, why can’t you?

Lack of manners…I could go on for days

  • Please & Thank You
  • Chewing with your mouth open? Gross.
  • Holding the door and other common courtesies

Taking care of others while never having the favor returned

  • While this seems to be reoccurring in college, I feel like it has always existed a bit, just in different ways.

“Ungroomed” nails, specifically on guys

  • If you can’t get around to painting, no big. I’m not the best either. It’s the really long, out of control, “I never even think about my nails” nails that get me.

Long-winded explanations

  • Just get it over with! No need to repeat or rephrase if everyone understood the first time.Please, don’t give me a headache.

People singing loudly AND extremely off key

  • I have AACC/YC to thank for this. Music should play a part in everyone’s life, and singing is just a great way to express emotions or feelings. Please do connect with the music.What gets me though is when people are CONVINCED they have the best voice ever and therefore sing over you…poorly. Ugh. At least they’re having fun, I suppose :P


  • Everyone loves to talk. Everyone has his/her moments of bragging. That’s fine, unless you’re constantly trying to outdo someone’s story. It’s tiring for anyone/everyone involved in the conversation.


  • This is a tad ironic considering the context of this post, but in the bigger picture, I try to hold a positive attitude about everything. For every complaint you can think of, there’s a brighter side that you could focus your energy on. Why not highlight the better parts of your day instead of the ONE moment that may have been upsetting?


  • We all are impatient at some point, no problem. When you are impatient every second of everyday, no matter what the situation…THAT’S when it get’s to be too much. Please stop, the world will go on. I promise. Maybe waiting an extra five minutes for the bus won’t be so bad. If you focus on how terrible those five minutes are, chances are that you just missed a great opportunity. What if the person standing there with you was destined to be your new best friend? Instead of pouting, chat them up…you never know.

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