4 down, 1 to go. I've been filling out and studying psychology study guides all freakin' day. Gross. Today I woke up at 7:50am for my 8am final across campus. I mean, that's just awesome. I flew off of my bunk bed, in the dark, probably put some god-awful outfit on (I don't even remember), and ran to class. I got there just in time, completed the shortest final of my life, returned to the dorm, and crawled back in bed. I then woke up at noon and met Liz for lunch. Ever since lunch I've been in psychology land learning out mentality, emotions and sex drives. Yeah, quite the combo, I know. Liz and I took a break, looking like complete bums, and ventured to the C-Store across the street to grocery shop with her ridiculous amount of leftover meal points. It's safe to say we're stocked up for rush week when we come back early and all of the cafeterias are closed. We could survive for a few weeks, actually.
I can't believe I'll be on my way home tomorrow night, officially ending my first semester of college. Where did the time go?
I remember showing up here back in August, moving in when only the RAs were in the building, and knowing absolutely no one. Now I have an entire group and family I'll miss while back at home. I wish I had another "free week" like I did when I first moved in; the time would be so much better spent now than what it was then. Tonight is my last night in my room during 2010...pretty epic, I know. What will I be doing? Studying psychology and eating Mother Bear's with the floor...maybe even coloring a few "signs" for the girls, since apparently that's my god-given talent now :P
But now it's back to psychology land; maybe I'll pack later tonight. Robin's coming to pick me up tomorrow after my final and I am completely stoked. Should be an epic drive home. :D
That's a sexy Chauffeur you have!