Tomorrow I'll find out if I will be hiking up 9 floors to my room, or only a few. Here's hoping it's the second one. Unlike all of the other freshman awaiting their roommate assignments, I already know mine. She's not a friend from home, but she's also not a complete stranger. We actually met through a facebook group for incoming IU freshman...crazy right? Random add, a few small convos, and BAM! Found a roomie. :] I'm pretty confident that we'll be getting along great come time for move in. We met up intentionally at orientation so that we could room overnight together. We're almost the exact same except for she's slightly taller and has blonde hair. We seem to get along great and have a ton in common. Knowing who my roommate is prior to August first has proven to be a huge stress relief. We've been coordinating dorm deco all summer. We even picked out the same bedding without knowing! Weird..I know. I just can't believe that in less than a month I'll be an official college student, out of the house, living in bloomington, and meeting some of my best friends for the rest of my life.
Yesterday I went "school shopping" with my grandparents and sisters. Uniforms have ruined my brain. While the girls were limited to solid colored, non-logo polos and sweaters..I was allowed to go hog wild for the first time in three years. Because of having those nasty uniforms, my closet has sadly suffered. I've outgrown the "normal" clothes that I used to wear, and instead have replaced them all with a ridiculous amount of polos, sweaters, and khakis. As I started to sort through my closet this summer, I realized I have virtually no wardrobe. SCARY! Let's just say yesterday I definitely made up for the uniform section in my closet :] Two hundred and seventy some odd dollars later, I feel confident of the clothes I'll start out with in Bloomington ;]
That's enough rambling for now. I'll be sure to update as my countdown continues. Cross your fingers and keep me in your thoughts tomorrow as I should be finding out my exact location of residency. :P
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