Saturday, September 25, 2010

Freshman Family Weekend

This blog quickly turned into a two day entry as I found myself easily distracted yesterday. Woops!

(Sept. 24) Ohhhhhh, joy. More and more Moms keep appearing on the floors, medicine, food, and other essentials in hand for their college babies. My family is not coming this weekend, and to be honest, I don't mind. I won't go as far to say campus will be in a flurry of madness..but I know our dorm will. Foster seems to house a lot of freshman, at least from what I can tell. I certainly wouldn't mind being taken out to dinner on repeat all weekend, but my family will be here soon enough.

Next weekend IU football plays Michigan. In case you're completely out of the big 10 loop, or not from around here, that's a HUGE game. Madness won't even begin to describe next weekend...especially around the northwest dorms near the football stadium. My mom and sister are driving down to visit and I'm pretty stoked. Mom will be staying with her friend in town so I'll have Abbie for the night. It's been crazy not being around her this month; we're basically twins. Only 13 months apart, we've grown up doing nearly everything together. This is the first time we've really been separated. Sadly, it has probably been easier on me than it has on her just because I'm in a completely different environment and not stuck at home. Either way, next weekend is going to be a BLAST. I bought tickets for the two of us to go, should be exciting :]
(Sept. 25) Tonight we play Akron in football; I'm going to help Michelle and the bowling team sell programs...should be interesting. I slept in today and it was wonderful. Last night was interesting to say the least. I owe a big thanks to JenBunny across the hall, we teamed up to help out. ;] Gotta love taking care of girls on Friday nights. We had a few laughs in there, though.

On a different note, I had two exams this week. Business X100 on Wednesday and Finite yesterday. What a week! For now only having three college exams under my belt, I'm feeling decently confident. I studied hard for my business exam, and along with the in class review we had, I feel I was extremely prepared. We'll see how that reflects on my grade posted tonight. My finite exam is an entirely different story. I don't feel that I bombed it, but due to the matter of the material, it's nearly impossible to feel confident. Probability, Combinations, and the heck can you feel confident at all? I could be slightly off and completely miss a problem. Here's hoping it turns out for the best.

Now that I've pretty much covered my entire week, I'm going to put on my B-Town shirt, curl my hair a bit, and get ready for the game. Hopefully I'll get pictures up soon. I'm finding that it's crazy hard to carry my camera around with me and actually take pictures. Having anything besides my Vera Bradley carry-all wristlet has turned out to be an inconvenience :P I will try though; I need freshman year pictures eventually right?

Monday, September 20, 2010

One Month Down

Exactly one month ago today I was nervously, excitedly, and anxiously moving in to Foster Harper 9. Ohhhhhh..Foster Harper 9, what a month it's been! I've witnessed many drunken nights, thirsty thursdays, and frat party after affects; my hall certainly knows how to have a good time. At times, I've felt very alone in this hall...left out almost, but as I sit here a month after moving in, I've come to love the girls and realize how many true friendships I'll have after this year.

Moving in early as a CM was definitely great. I didn't have to mess with the rush and frantic waits for the elevators, I met some of the great RAs that work in my building, and I got to just settle in by myself before the chaos of welcome week set in. There were a few downfalls, however. Just yesterday I discovered a lot of the girls on my floor took caution in talking to be because of my title. How crazy is that?! I mean, I understand...they wanted to have fun and thought I would turn them in or something crazy. Definitely not the case though... I'm not an RA, I have no power whatsoever. I'm glad I've cleared that up with a few of the girls, though.

Harper 9. Where do I even begin? This month has been a roller coaster with this floor, but it's proving to turn the corner in a better direction as time moves on. When the floor first moved in, it was exciting, and I could tell I was going to love this place immediately. My neighbors across the hall are absolute sweethearts. Allie and Jenny always greet me as I come in and out, check in on my day, and ask about what's new and going on. I can't tell you how much this has meant to me. Molly and Meghan, my neighbors, are the life of the party. I always hear them joking around, laughing, beating each other up, or just jamming out to loud music. More on those four later. The other girls on my floor are nice too, but haven't been as personal. Let's just put it this way, my floor is hot. ;] We have lots of girls who know how to dress up and rock a pair of heels for a great night out. For those of you who know me, you'd say it sounds like I'd fit right in, right? Heel obsessed, love to dress up...hello? Not quite the case. For the first couple weeks I sat in my room and watched all the girls dress up together, rock out and dance together, take pictures, and head out on the town. I sat here. Not because I didn't want to go, or that I was too shy to join in, but because I really didn't have a group like that. My roommate is extremely close with her high school friends, so she normally goes out with them. I have high school friends here too, but I certainly don't dress up and hit the town with them. I don't know, the first couple weeks I tried to get my footing here on campus, but I also feel I missed out on some nighttime fun. That could be for the better or worse. Where I stand now is that I need to find a group to go out with; I want to find a "crew" while still branching out and making new friends. This time next month, I'll have stories to tell and pictures to post. Time to have fun :]

After being on campus and living the college life for one month, I already feel that I'm learning more about myself. My career exploratory class has played a large role in that, but so has living on my own, out of Anderson and away from my family. There truly is something about college. Being on your own, fending for yourself, deciding when to eat and sleep and taking total responsibility is completely empowering. I feel as though I've been here forever; I'm so comfortable in my surroundings and routine. IU is beyond huge and I love it. Sure my 15-20 minute walk to my first class isn't always fun, but as the seasons change, it's proving to be a peaceful and beautiful highlight of my day. Being on a campus this big is definitely not for everyone, but I feel it's the perfect fit. There's always somewhere to go and something to do, constant entertainment when I find myself bored and sitting in my room. My classes are a great mix of large and small. What else can you expect from a big ten school? To some, it may be scary, overwhelming, or just too much altogether, but I can't say it enough...I love IU.

Happy one month-iversary to me. This month has been one of the greatest of my life, and it's only going to get better. Here's hoping the months to come will outdo the previous, making it harder to leave Bloomington with each second I stay here. I love my family, and I love spending time with them, but there truly is something about this place that makes it my new home. Harper 9 is my new home, and these girls are my new family. storybook is that? ;]

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh College..

So, what if I told you there was this one time, where my roommate, who weighs all of 110 pounds, bumped into one of our window panels and completely busted and cracked it? Yeah..good times. More to come soon! :]

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm Alive, I Promise.

Sitting in my dorm, decked out in IU sweats and a tee, I realize I have become so comfortable with this college lifestyle that I have forgotten to blog all about it! Slap on the wrist, I get it, so now I'll attempt to catch you guys up. To be honest though, there is NO way I could fill you in on all that has happened since I've been here. I'll attempt to brief you in this blog and then will go into more detail in the next few blogs. Deal?

So last you heard from me, I was here in the dorm alone for the most part because of CM duties and training. That quickly changed Sunday, August 22nd as people began to move in early. A large portion of my floor moved in that day, probably in anticipation of moving to the highest floor in Foster. Although I enjoyed having the place to myself the first couple days, I can't begin to express how comforting it was to have floormates and neighbors. The hall was no longer eerily silent at night, other people were playing music and walking the halls, and people began popping in my door to say hi. Sunday alone, Foster moved in over 350 people, nearly a third of all of Foster. Insane, right? By the time "official" move-in day rolled around, Wednesday, nearly all of Harper 9 was moved in. Exciting!

I really love my floor for the most part. The girls have proven to be extremely nice, always giving a kind smile or "hello" as I walk by. Along with the friendliness, Harper 9 has also offered quite a bit of entertainment in the last week or so. During Welcome Week a few girls definitely enjoyed the frat parties more than others..but that's college, right? We'll just leave that part of the blog at that... ;]

Uhmmm...what else should I even say?! There's so much to cover it's almost overwhelming. Classes started Monday, August 30th and so far I am absolutely loving my schedule. Not only do I NOT have 8am or early morning classes, but I also seemed to have timed my classes out perfectly. All of my professors seem to be great so far, I don't think I'll be having any problems with them in that sense. My only complaint really is all the hiking I have on Monday/Wednesday. My first class right off the bat is in Wilkie, which, if you're unfamiliar with the IU campus, is about a 20 minute walk from my dorm. From Wilkie I have roughly an hour until my next class in Ballentine, so I've tried to catch lunch on the way to make things easier on myself. Those two classes require the most walking and exercise, I'd say. After that I head back to the dorm and have a business class right across the street at 4. The Tuesday/Thursday combo is my favorite :] I have two classes and they're completely spaced out. Yesterday I did my first load of college laundry! That sounds completely dorky, but I feel it was a huge check off of my freshman experience checklist.

Pizza X deserves it's own paragraph right now. Especially since I'm currently starving, it's across campus, and I would love love love some breadsticks at the moment. I can't say I've tried their pizza yet..when in the pizza mood it's more likely I'll hit up Mother Bear's over Pizza X. I love their breadsticks, though. They're strangely similar to scampi's back home, especially the cheese sauce. Definite plus! Man, I'm hungry and I just ate dinner. Welcome to college, huh?

Well, I'm at a loss as to what else I should mention right now...I'll think of more later and post again. Sorry for the wait and then failure of a post :P